Did you miss me? I gave myself permission to take the week off & boy was I ready for it! I was feeling a tad frazzled! The last few months have been interesting to say the least! Like many of you my world was turned upside down & I found myself searching for a new equilibrium a new way of being … it’s exhausting!
In my new ‘lockdown world’ of potentially having time to spare, I have certainly ticked off a raft of great stuff from my ‘to do’ list, there’s still some good intentions that so far have not seen the light of day … all that gardening I was going to do, the wardrobe clear outs, the learning to cook new and exciting meals …. Nope all still there! In fairness, I think many of us started out with these great intentions, but we didn’t know then what we know now …. That lockdown is a complete leveller and that actually learning the art of slowing down and not packing our days with to do lists is perhaps its greatest lesson. So as I took a week off to breath, reflect and give myself some much needed self-kindness I discovered something really simple, but gold dust.
I am enough, I can deal with this.
In truth, I’d been hard on myself of late & not acknowledging my achievements, berating myself for the things on the self-made to do list that I hadn’t “to done!”. Taking some time out to rest, to cut myself a break was just what I needed & I feel a renewed sense of energy and calmness as I enter into my ‘Covid phase 2’ re-establishing my intentions & goals to ensure I get balance as well as continuing to grow my business of course! But I do want to take some of that new calmer pace with me for sure!
You know, I have been so lucky to have clients who still put their faith & business in me & for that I am truly grateful as I know many who are struggling.
As we come out of lockdown, I thought it would be good to instead of constantly bombarding myself with new to lists I instead brought back some of my old ‘friendly habits’ and ease them back into my life. So here I am refreshed and refocussed for phase 2 with new goals - which includes taking time off for good behaviour - and a new “circle of control” mantra
“Whatever happens to me today I will face it with a positive attitude”.
What are your new intentions? What old friendly habits or mantras are you bringing out of your personal lockdown to help you today? Maybe it’s time to dust them off and try them on for size … mine fit like a glove!