This week I left my own postcode and ventured out! I had tasks to do in London & was driving through town wondering; Pandemic? What Pandemic? The streets were full of cars, people & the atmosphere was vibrant, buzzing. We ventured out to find somewhere to eat and were shocked by the numbers packed into small eateries – no social distancing, no visors, no space saving tables!
The conversations then turned to how London appears to have ‘not got the memo’ and how can we expect to overcome this disease when there is so little compliance. We then started to compare how our own community & city is dealing ‘so much better’
Coincidentally the author & artist Charlie Mackesy lives near my friend’s house & I could see one of his images proudly displayed on the outside wall of his local coffee house. I then remembered an image I had seen by him about ‘comparisons’ it also reminded me to think about how easy I had found it to become ‘judge’
What must it be like to live in a bustling city during a pandemic – in truth it must feel entirely different from living in a rural haven as I do. Perhaps when you live cheek to jowl and there is already overcrowding, it becomes impossible or maybe even a sense of it being futile to even try!
The other thing that struck me was how atmospheric the place seemed – still so full of life, bustling, exciting even! These people are ‘getting on with it’ the best they can in their circumstances & are making the best out of that too. So maybe I needed show a little more grace and learn from others that just because life has changed doesn’t mean you can’t still live it! There’s a balance to be struck but whist being thoughtful to others, one I’m sure we can achieve.
How are you finding that balance? I’d love to hear your views